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Fish Passage 2021 | 23 juni

21 juni 2021 - 24 juni 2021

Agenda watersector water agenda

Internationale conferentie over ‘Fish Passage’, georganiseerd door de World Fish Migration Foundation. De hele conferentie duurt van 21 – 24 juni maar op 23 juni is er van 15.00 – 17.30 CET een speciale sessie over Europa.

We are pleased to invite you to save the date and register for Fish Passage 2021 hosted digitally from June 21 – 24!

The theme of this year’s four-day international webinar is Global Solutions for River Connectivity Issues. Now is the time to come together as a community to focus on the future of river connectivity.

Fish Passage experts will present the best international showcase projects and research from across the world, covering a wide range of globally relevant fish passage topics. Over the course of 4 days we will organize 2.5 hours sessions each day, making sure to give people from all continents the opportunity to attend.

We are still working on the exciting program, hosted in The Netherlands at the Fish Migration River and Haringvliet sluices. We will have live on-site interviews from around the world, messages from our sponsors, discussion panels, and would like to invite you to nominate a keynote for this conference.

We are looking for people who can give us powerful talks covering a range of inspiring case studies and topics from across the world. If you know of a person or project that fits this criteria – please nominate them here. (deadline: 23 April).

For any questions, contact the event coordinator Kerry Brink (World Fish Migration Foundation) at

Bekijk meer evenementen in de watersector.


21 juni 2021
24 juni 2021